Dramatization of a dream I had where DeuxCHADs were leaving me behind after hanging out for a while

1  2020-01-01 by HardIsLife


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  1. Dramatization of a dream I had wher... - archive.org, archive.today

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Tag yourselves. Guy on bottom left for me.

I'll be the girl from Rosario Vampire+ in the top panel thank you

What? Sorry, I'm not a weeb.

Means girls 3 - you can sit with us



Um ok πŸ˜‚

dude you’re dreaming about a reddit sub lmao

I also have dreams about Putin! So, what’s your point?

Well Putin is daddy so that makes more sense

I find it more sad that you drew yourself as a cute loli when you're actually like 5'6", which for a woman is like being 6'5" which is like being 4'10" as a man. I mean you get my point.

It's OK. Some day when you look like you are at least a teenage girl, you can ride with the big kids.


I’m the hombre with the orange hair.


why are there two of the same dvd players

Imagine being so poor you only have one DVD player.

Each person should be about 200 pounds heavier for it to be realistic

Sorry honey. πŸ’…πŸ’…πŸ’…

SnowQueen GF from Rosario And Vampire



Barley into 2020 and we’ve already set a low bar for shitty memes

Try not being so lame and everyone won't want to ditch you all the time.

Try not being so lame

That's like asking an Asian to not be racist lmao

Ayyyoo I'm trying to be a little nice to her. The last thing we want is her finding out about is the private deuxcord where we go to make fun of her. πŸ’…πŸ’…πŸ’…

being a discordcel


Being a arr drama discordcel

It never began

Being a POORAMA discordcel

kys pls (aka keep yourself safe)

Lol ^ this fucking retard doesn't realize it was a joke and doesn't even exist. 🀭

oof. yikes.

Why are you even here? You need to drop that flair and go back to SRD.

I’m not sure if I should be grateful or offended that I’m not involved in your fantasies.

U can sit in the trunk 😏

That’s kidnapping!!

seems like an upgrade from a shipping container

We used to do that in high school when there were too many people... And we'd always head straight for this place that was off road and had a shit load of big ass potholes

Uh its legal to not have a seat/seatbelt as long as all the ones there are in use. You got ditched hard.

Hahaha. What a story Hard!

This would really bother me if I had that dream too. Sometimes we dream and imagine things that are completely unrealistic. Post feet pics.

If you dream about me that means I’ve been inside a girl. Later virgins 😎