So, the Grudge is literally about white worship

1  2020-01-01 by HardIsLife

I was never really into the Grudge universe even though I grew watching asian horror movies. I preferred Ringu, One Missed Call and A Tale of Two Sisters.

I saw the Grudge original version and also the US remake but a long time ago when it came out. When I saw FoundFlix did a video on it, I decided to watch it.

So, this Japanese chick was super obsessed with a mayo teacher who didn’t even realize she existed. The issue is she had a husband and a son. Her husband found her white worship COPE journal, he joined /r/Aznidentity and later lost his mind. He murdered his thot wife and the poor son. The wife continued to COPE after death and killing everyone who entered the house.

Too realistic! Very strong message.

What do you think?


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.


  1. So, the Grudge is literally about w... -,

  2. FoundFlix did a video on it -,

  3. /r/Aznidentity -,

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That is why it was a good film

Stay safe 👏🏻

Never liked it and I don't really like horror movies cause their boring and not scary. The only one I've found scary was insidious

Wow lame taste. Watch the Wailing.

I'll watch it


Noodles cope? Who knew? More at 11.


If he was her teacher, he knew she existed unless it was strictly an online class. He just had higher standards than a Japanese wannabe left over woman.
