Discuss of a charcuterie board reaches it's inevitable destination: cumskins vs shitskins

1  2020-01-02 by Guntfighter_Actual


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Of course he posts to chapo, tumor and politics. Absolute meme.




  1. Discuss of a charcuterie board reac... - archive.org, archive.today

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Why doesn’t this stupid bot link to removeddit? https://www.removeddit.com/r/pics/comments/eip4qd/comment/fcsuhzd

ukpolitics: NO HUMOR FOR YOU by the Sex Pistols

White food is gross though. Case in point: the brits, the germans and the scands.

The less white you are the better your food. Italians, greeks, spanish

Of course there is such a thing as too far. Africa, not even once.

um excuse me sweaty, P.f. chang’s is western civilization.