The only reason why /pol/ has this weird hateboner sexual tension with Israel and the Joos is because these guys managed to get all of /pol/'s crazy pipe dreams and make them into a reality.
The Jews out-mayo'd the mayos like the chads they are, and now the mayos are angry.
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-02
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46 JohnnyBrexit 2020-01-02
Verdict.... BASED!
23 Petemasta 2020-01-02
It's pretty based, shame it's full of jews
29 SnapshillBot 2020-01-02
Not racist, but isn't it possible that this is exactly what the filthy grasping Jews want us to think?
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16 32624647 2020-01-02
Once again my theorem is proven true.
The only reason why /pol/ has this weird hateboner sexual tension with Israel and the Joos is because these guys managed to get all of /pol/'s crazy pipe dreams and make them into a reality.
The Jews out-mayo'd the mayos like the chads they are, and now the mayos are angry.
6 TrappyIsBae 2020-01-02
They'd be perfect if our gov't wasn't full of neocons sending aoldiwrs to die for them 😔
5 boringbaker87 2020-01-02
Seen Kyle
4 thetinguy 2020-01-02
but what about bussy 🤔