Lmao the new guy meme is funny

53  2020-01-04 by MasterLawlzFan


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  1. Lmao the new guy meme is funny - archive.org, archive.today

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I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good

Snappy has been cucked SmileBot. He needs you now more than ever.

Just posted this to GetMotivated to see what would happen.

UPDATE: haha, OP is indirectly responsible for unironically inspiring countless thousands of redditors

Lmao credit to the artist 😂

I got gilded and made the front page. I really hope that tranny cartoonist is on reddit today.

AD did it first: “Hurt people. Hurt people”.

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pewds apologist

Fuck off.

he's friends with the best mod tho