
16  2020-01-04 by HardIsLife


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umm sweaty, being a libertarian is centrist, you're just so twisted from being a deranged leftist. and it's not my fault niggers are so dumb and lazy that they inherit their parents' same low socioeconomic class and didn't rise above it, unlike me who earned the same exact middle class lifestyle as my parents had through merit and nothing else

My galaxy brain take is that libtards have moved so far to the left it’s hard to defend them. Being a traditional liberal is considered right wing to Woke folks and other ultra retarded/emotional Neo liberals.

before setting foot in reddit I would've probably considered them both libtards too but at this point my political views have been mangled as much as soleimanis body.

At this point I’m betting Tim and Dave vote for drumpf, if Bernie doesn’t get nominated.

Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. Also archive.is is on a new domain again, so while the domain is updated, you'll need to archive posts and comments manually. Sorry. :(


  1. “Centrist” - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

It’s okay snappy, you can only do your best 😊❤️🤖

They shouldn't have relied on SQL.

NoSQL or even Redis might have prevented this outage.

why did you make tim pool so thin?

The final stage of bald is you becoming the hair follicle: you keep getting thinner and thinner until you disappear just like the follicles that used to be on your head. We have 2 year tops left with Tim

Hey you got a new background 👌

Don't doxx me

Really succinct Meme you got there.

Bottom text

HIL, you are spilling all the tea ☕️💅


What am I if I view Nazis as far-left degenerates?

Trump is a centrist Americanist
