a tranny seeking validation from a three-year-old

22  2020-01-04 by santas_whore


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my 3 year old niece learned basic mandarin in a month of exposure, so you as a 30 year old man really have no excuse

fucking retard thinks zhey sound smart

My 3yo believed me that all clouds are made by chimneys. I am sure she would also believe me if I tell her that some random guy is a woman.

Mine shoots imaginary monsters with nerf darts so 3 year olds are about as grounded in reality as trannies

"I can groom a 3yo to accept my ideology, why can't it work the same with grown adults?"

Bet that creep is also proud of how easier it is to get laid with children.



Being transgender used to be categorized as a mental disorder. I think it’s time to consider bringing it back

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  1. a tranny seeking validation from a ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Useless faggot

I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good