They don't call it the "Great" Replacement for no reason!

46  2020-01-04 by ihatelife1997


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So this is why we started a war with Iran.

It was all part of the mayo foids' plan to avoid getting replaced by the superior arab stacies.

Countries that are not Eurofailures import replacements that love Christianity, chile verde, beer and spaghetti-string tank tops.

If foreigners are so great, why do they all come from shitholes

Implying Europe isn’t a shithole.

Arrive at airport in Middle East. Small Indian monkey gets luggage for me.

Arrive at airport in Germany. Wait one hour for luggage and carry it myself.

I can't believe these uncivilized mongoloids don't have slaves.

Euros are still foreigners.

Implying America isn't a shithole

Less than where whitenigs were KANGZ AND SHIEEEET

free healthcare

free college

even the countries that let you own heavy assault weapons have better gun control than burgerland

Yeah, totally not as bad as mayo kangz land.

free healthcare for NEETs

Vetoed. Europoors out.

Ikr? Imagine thinking poors are worth keeping alive with tax money

All of that is worth not having:

As many inbred kings (yet).

white """"""""""culture""""""""""


Muzzie invasion

So, so fucking much degeneracy.

Muzzie invasion

I thought we all agreed that was a good thing.

Sharia is a good thing. Sandpeople, not so much.

Sandnigs can actually be based, they just don't really have a stable government atm to make them less shit.

Eh, too many generations of shit culture and in-breeding. Maybe 1 in a million you would want to go drinking with.

too many generations of shit culture and in-breeding

I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about sandnigs, not europoors.

Euros produced some good men, back before they all moved to America.

I wouldn't consider goatfucking peasants to be good men, but this sub's been full of dogpill memes as of late, so what do I know?

Ptolemy's family were shepherds at one point. Everyone's people were sheep farmers at one point. Hell, the words Ares and arena are etymologically related to words for "sheep-herding meadow".

Sand-people suck not because of goatfarming, but because they lack art, humor, nudity, dance, music, fun or beauty of any kind. They are like pajeets, but even more haughty, serious, scraggly-bearded and ugly. The only thing they are right about is women.


Only because it's a step-up from the current standard.

better gun control is an oxymoron.

Implying earth isn’t a shithole

Iran is based about the trans question though. Theyre just (rightfully) anti-fag

The people who made this probably don’t respect bussy that much.

I can't wait 😍

Nice meme!

It's the red spell check squiggles that really put this meme in a league of its own.

wtf I love replacement now?

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  1. They don't call it the "Great" Repl... -,

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Ishvallah wills this mayocide😤😤😤

The relevance of this to the plight of whites, in the U.S. and worldwide, is obvious. Today, the hard reality is whites are being eclipsed. 28% of the world population in 1950, they are projected to fall to only 9.8% of the population by 2060. By 2042, whites will be a minority in both the U.S. and their indigenous homeland of Europe

Meanwhile, if it isn't a conspiracy, it certainly is a passion:

  • “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him, Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes”, Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas at Arlington
  • "We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet." - Kamau Kambon, Professor of African-American Studies
  • “Racist White woman I could kick your face, puncture both eyes. You deserve this kind of violence.”, Haunani-Kay Trask, Professor of Hawaiian Studies.
  • "Okay, officially, I now hate white people" James Livingston, Professor of History, Rutgers University
  • All self-identified white people (no exceptions) are invested in and collude with systemic white racism/white supremacy, Trinity College Professor Johnny Eric Williams
  • “when the whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution, that was a good thing indeed” Professor George Ciccariello-Maher, Drexel University
  • "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race."- Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor
  • "Abolish the White Race as a social group." ---Derrick Bell, Harvard Law School Professor
  • "The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition " - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor
  • ”One can accurately describe the United States as a ‘total racist society...A black person has to view every white person as a potential enemy unless he personally finds out differently.....It is time to put white-on-black oppression fully at the center of a comprehensive study of the development, meaning and reality of this nation.” - Joe Feagin Professor at Texas A&M
  • “If white men were not complaining, it would be an indication we weren’t succeeding and making the inroads that we are.”, Arthur Sulzberger, owner of The New York Times
  • "all white people are racist" - Munroe Bergdorf
  • "We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed." Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor
  • “White people have stopped breeding. you’ll all go extinct soon. that was my plan all along.” Sarah Jeong, Editor NY Times.
  • " "If somebody told me I only had one hour to live, I'd spend it choking a White man." - Miles Davis
  • Professor Noel Ignatiev of Harvard, wants to “abolish the white race....Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.”

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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