YameteOniiChanItai aka The Micro Penis Pedophile

5  2020-01-05 by OnlyBeenBannedOnce


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Can't deny his logic. Or his creepiness.

He can’t even get a small girlfriend 😂

But it’s fun to laugh at him. I don’t mock people over their height or penis size or labia appearance, I think it’s cruel. This specimen I’ll make an exception for since it’s not human. He’s a manlet with a tiny dick.

Based and loli pilled

I know you prefer 2D women, but does that mean flat actual women, or you strictly are attracted from the ones from chinese cartoons?

Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. Also archive.is is on a new domain again, so while the domain is updated, you'll need to archive posts and comments manually. Sorry. :(


  1. YameteOniiChanItai aka The Micro Pe... - archive.org, archive.today

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