Totally real story

6  2020-01-05 by POST_BUSSY


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If you have to date, date a libertarian. They'll support your right to choose, free speech, right to self-defense and you'll never have to listen to Judith Butler quotes again.

Are terfs becoming pro pedo?

They’re becoming self aware and realising that women are children. And the only ones who’ll love them properly are pedos.

Looks like I might be getting laid after all!


The TERF mindset revolves around m'tranny stealing their female privilege, so the racism and pedophilia that follows with libertarian is not something have any reason to give a fuck about.


He quoted Judith Butler and was screaming in my face about essentialism

yikes sweaty dating a male feminist?

My now ex proceeded to follow me in front of my apartment yelling at me because I wouldn't change my beliefs. I was scared and just kept saying "leave me alone" because I didn't know what to do.

and you thought he'd respect women's boundaries?

If it wasn't for a male feminist, who would bother trying to hook up with one?

These retarded subhumans have posted about fucking lesbians with feminine penises when they didn't want to because they didn't want to feel like bigots. The boyfriend of one of these peons yelling at them for offending m'tranny is extremely realistic and probably did happen.

I hope it's true tho 😂

yeah nigga this one is actually plausible. niggas be fucking CRAZY about the Trans Question

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