How to get revenge on any recovering alcoholics in your life

1  2020-01-05 by SerbianDiplomacy

You know the ones that will immediately relapse and go homeless(or think they will) if they even consume a single drop of molecule(psychological obviously), and won't even consume any food that may have ever had alcohol in it(alcohol is boiled off at 173F, it does not survive cooking generally).

All you have to do is go down the list and name off all the foods that are made with alcohol. In Asian foods the sauces are often made with rice wines, and even the meat is soaked in rice wine before it's cooked, it's so common you might have to avoid all of it. Then there is all the shit like Italian food which can be made with white wine and other sorts of European foods, you could really come up with a way to fuck them out of going to their favorite restaurants if you did some research.


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