Redditors fight back against Trump vs Iron Sheikh with their only weapon: being smug

1  2020-01-05 by internofthegame


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I really can't fathom why everyone seems to think this Iran thing is going to amount to anything. Nobody gives a fuck about Iran and Iran can't do squat. It's already over and done.

thing is going to amount to anything

Nothing burgers are the only low calorie foods that burgers enjoy.

I wish orange daddy would target smuggies next 😔

i mean do we really need the west coast?

The land, yes. The people, no.

i wanna know

are u the man

or are u a no good piece of shit motherfucker

Why would I care if some shit in iran Im never gonna visit anyway because I dont wanna be murdered by terrorists is destroyed?

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  1. Redditors fight back against Trump ... -,*

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