insane boomer makes pasta

1  2020-01-06 by Toe_of_Patriarchy

So, I'm 15 seconds into the video, its the United States sir not the US, show some respect, you're here right? Did you say the vulnerable M1A1 against a Russian made T-72? Hah, a T-72 really? Russian technology is lacked these days. They try to keep up but they can't. Russia is broke, the USSR has separated and her former states are joining NATO. Did you really say a T-72? A T-90 is scrap in front of a M1A1. I'll watch a bit further to be entertained. Your video is a joke. When we establish air control (3 days) and we want to employ our mechanized units we will at will. You say that Iraq will give us a hard time crossing the border. Well, Iraq has no say what we will do, we'll do what we want at a time of our choosing. The United States is the worlds best military. We have more might, more technology and more assets world around. Our training surpasses all. Our experiences we teach our allies. Our spec ops can observe a spetnaz and when he makes a move SEALS smile. You narrate with a Borris accent. Don't appease yourself. This nation is the forefront, above all. Instead of your wrong vommit on the web, just a simple thank you will be fine, then go about your business. You're welcome.

found in the comments section here


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probably a direct simple correlation between how tough they talk online about the military(and how much personal credit and how badass they personally feel vicariously) and cowardice. and probably indicates predicts how hard they will be crying when said people start killing civilians and soldiers.

what could possibly go wrong with invading people who have proven they will demine minefields with their own teenage sons when they have no equipment to do it. muh technology. and all the new stealth technology that will be sent to china and russia when something like a b2 is inevitably shot down

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