The truth about Chapotraphouse

1  2020-01-06 by ihatelife1997


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The most passing trannies are the ultra fat ones since after a certain point of fatness you cant tell genders apart anymore anyway.


It also helps to have a fucked up haircut and fill your face with metal. I saw a weird blue-haired pierced blob this weekend and couldn't figure out the sex one way or the other.

the half shaved head shit and septum piercing helps make them blend in in addition to being fat. also i feel like asians can pull off mtf better than other ethnicities

The blob I saw yesterday pierced one of its neck folds and it looked infected. 🤢🤮

As if sub humans have genders

Are you a lefty larping as a righty because your memes are far too wordy.

No I recently gave up and decided to become a far right winger

You're transitioning from lefty to righty.

I too use whole milk with my cereals.

What if ChapoTraphouse was like some sort of underground bar you see in fiction and all the assassins and everyone go there to drink. Except instead of doing something cool and skilled like contract killing or heists, they spend all day threatening suicide and holding a knife to their own throat if they are badass enough. All the drinks have estrogen added, and balded and beared w*men leave their drinks unattended while looking through the side of their eyes, hoping someone will drug them so they can feel like women and bring down their dysphoria.

you just described BPA-infested America

"Yeah... I'm thinking I'm trap."

"Why yes, my wife and I ARE in an open relationship. Unfortunately, while she's been on several dates and slept with several men, I just haven't had any luck. I think I might be gay."

Bold of you to assume a chapo could find a wife

i’m a woman and it annoys me how all the “women” on reddit are really troids. cth had like 15% mtf and 2% women when they did their analytics lol

2% seems too high.

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Get your shit together, Snappy.