An open letter to /u/OnlyBeenBannedOnce

1  2020-01-06 by SerbianDiplomacy

I can't think of anything I look forward to more than some fragile retard spamming replies from some random trolling her to get a rise out of her. Look at this idiot's profile, if they aren't engaging in recreational offense taking, they're stalking some random libertarian. /u/OnlyBeenBannedOnce. Almost their whole account is dedicated to stalking that one guy, you are obsessed with pedophiles. Did you get molested? Good.

This isn't subredditdrama nor a place for you to whine or vent, this is for lolcows and you are providing 0 milk over countless posts. This is like when a f*male tells a boring ass story with way too many details or retarded unfunny jokes without the hint of comedy, except in this case you don't pretend to laugh because you can't get anything out of her.

Is there a medical term for when POC(person of carfentanyl) Karens(male in your case) like you have a full blown addiction to telling on people and reporting shit during every waking moment? How many times have you reported people on the internet who didn't commit any crime but simply said something you didn't like to the FBI, then smugly bragged(to others or yourself) how you (thought) got a salaried special agent with a TS//SCI clearance(who has nothing better to do) to exact revenge on your behalf by stalking and harassing them? Pretty sure that's one of the top 10 lobbies of mayos, seen that one a lot.


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I woke up to all those lame ass spam posts. If you're going to make deux your personal journal at least make it something people interact with like HIL. There's a good chance this guy is actually yamete just trying to give himself attention.

Anyway, I removed most of the spam and gave him a 1 day ban for making me mop in the morning.

There's a good chance this guy is actually yamete just trying to give himself attention.

That's what I have been saying for a while now because they are both so goddamn insufferable. SadistKingOfTypos is another yamate stalker account that does the same thing. It's all just hot garbage. Nobody cares.

That's the beautiful thing about using the RedditIsFun mobile app. I can block unfunny faggots like him and CasanovaNova, and I'll never have to read one more asinine post by either of them. Desktopcels BTFO.

desktop has this too :))

This rant would have been better if you posted it in English instead of white trash english

Oh you arent necessarily white, but you are fluent in white trash


vibe check

Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. In addition, the archiving system for has partially changed. Archives likely still are made, but the URL points to the wrong place for now. Sorry. :(


  1. An open letter to /u/OnlyBeenBanned... -,

  2. /u/OnlyBeenBannedOnce -,

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Ok Yamete. You know that tiny Asian grill that is going to visit her family until April? Yeah, “visit her family” we all know she’s bringing home Chang Longwang. I know I’m right, and if I’m wrong, I will watch an episode of an anime I hate, even Konosuba.

She's not, she's just visiting her family and her female cousin.

If she sleeps with her female cousin that's okay. Girls don't count.

In fact I'd be happy if it turns out she was bi and would then bring cute smol Asian girls for us to play with

Wait what? Incest is not cool man, and it’s still cheating even with a girl.

Also, my girlfriend is bisexual, and I hate to disappoint you, but there are no wild threesomes every night, she doesn’t have sex with a bajillion girls every night, and she doesn’t bring home lots of hot girls home for us, it’s almost as vanilla as dating a straight girl.

why is this homosexual copying my username

its everyday bro with that disney channel flow