Transphobes GTFO

1  2020-01-06 by Communazi66


no doxx 😑

All I see is a stunning and brave woman.

imagine being such a physically and mentally weak worthless cuck that you never personally set multiple world records like me, all on the first try

Just insert the feminine peen right into my mouth plz.

Stunning and Brave Man Randy Savage

Hate to say it, but this is exactly how I feel when I mute someone from r/familyman

It's a good sub

And a good show!

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  1. Transphobes GTFO -,

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Muscle is indeed greater than fat πŸ‘Œ. This is what the ideal female looks like u/8thsymphony

I see you’re a man of culture... great tastes...😌


Based and TERF-pilled