Without meming or anything this creature was literally and unironically attempting to use her female privilege to get this guy disqualified for being a black man violent against a white woman, as revenge for being rude and abrasive. Except she's too mentally retarded to not think about it for 5 seconds to not do it in front of 10 cameras before she tried to frame him.
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-07
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8 SerbianDiplomacy 2020-01-07
Without meming or anything this creature was literally and unironically attempting to use her female privilege to get this guy disqualified for being a black man violent against a white woman, as revenge for being rude and abrasive. Except she's too mentally retarded to not think about it for 5 seconds to not do it in front of 10 cameras before she tried to frame him.
3 SnapshillBot 2020-01-07
Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.
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2 Tiny_Pay 2020-01-07
Too bad The President didn't do this with Fields.