so my anti depressants wont let me cum

1  2020-01-08 by incelmaker

I spent all night trying to cum because I couldnt sleep and I still cant cum wtffffffff


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  1. so my anti depressants wont let me ... -,

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Nevermind Mrs. Obama, he's shooting blanks.


That's pretty depressing.

dont worry I came in the end :)

You're gonna have fucked up dong. Become amazing at sex though

dont worry I have a big peener and I rarely coom anyway I just couldnt sleep :~)

Which end?

Dude get different antidepressants. Most people try a few before settling on one that works. I took something that made my dick feel funny too and I got off that shit pronto.

Also, if you're depressed and not lifting heavy weights get the fuck off your ass and do that like three times a week.

I go to the gym thoooo And i have been taking thhem since i was 15 uwu

It’s over for the coomercels

Do i still have a shot tho?

Wouldn't be over if you had a shot. Never began for you.


Transitioning might be an option.

Okay il beckne a cute boiiii

Get off your meds ASAP. Just do it cold turkey. Update us on how you feel.

No. I enjoy being part of the white genocide also apprive me on r/drama u incel