Twitter users when they think about white people existing

1  2020-01-08 by ihatelife1997


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But twitter users are mostly salty crackers hating on other salty crackers

But the bagels are the ones behind it.

Oy vey the goyim know.



  1. Twitter users when they think about... -,

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This is what passes as an acceptable post here?

Quit being such a spicy blackie

lmao read this niggas comments, this is peak texas inbreeding

think about a place that's hot as hell and drier than the bottom of a dried out well and i think you'll know what texas means to me

aint got no money aint got no job

banks are all too poor to rob

and i'd like to say one thing before i leave

well fuck you texas and fuck you lone star beer

fuck that fuckin alamo and fuck the longhorn steers

fuck every dallas cowboy that ever drawed a breath

fuck you texas and fuck you plumb to death


joo wanna go to de hong depot bro en get some lemon plej to hoff? viva tejas

Holy shit, I remember watching this in 2005

Damn thats some fine erotica

fuck you lone star beer

This little slime has gone too far.

Implying half the reactions aren't self hating white people

unbased and tardpilled

Thats me! How did you find my selfie!?

twitter is unironically whiter than reddit, which is already wonderbread

I don't think it is. Black twitter is just too busy making jokes, discussing mundane stuff and posting pics of fat assed bitches so you don't see them in the mayo nonsense part of Twitter.