Breadtubers discuss the problematic movie ‘revenge of the nerds’ fully canceling it

1  2020-01-09 by Kat_B0T


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Breadtubers discuss the problematic... -,

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Skip to when he finally mentions revenge of the nerds.

If you're familiar with the movie; Revenge of the Nerds then you're aware of the scene where one of the two protagonists dresses in the same Hollyween costume as on of the jocks (the chief antagonists) and "seduces" the jocks girlfriend under the pretense of being her boyfriend only to reveal the deceit after the act is over. He is rewarded for his deception by her affection, gets the girl through the end of the movie. This video briefly mentions this scene and explains that the use of this idea in the movies is an example of rape culture.

If you just read the above paragraph you do not need to see the video now.

its ok if a tranny does it

That guy is a jackass, and apparently he doesn’t even have anything to say that I haven’t already seen in a Reddit comment anyway.

I agree.

There would come a day when Hollywood produces only boring musicals set in a medieval Christian Church in Europe where all genders are segregated (to prevent appropriation of one gender by the other). That would be the safest plot that left can't find holes to poke in.

On that day men would have long noses and long faces and women would be crying on streets for some reason they themselves don't know but want to "send a message". Tyler Durden would be stoned to death for telling the world that people just need some entertainment in their lives. And this would happen on the eve of Christmas. Mark my words.


Excuse me? Gay rights and abortion bigot

I agree. It's a Medieval Church. The word gay itself wasn't conceived back then. What do you expect?

Its still problematic if it doesnt show the king and his male servant who are secretly in love having to struggle with the anti gay society.

Have you just said the only "safe" plot line for forthcoming movies is still problematic? So finally its over for hollywoodcels?

I wish

Cult of dusty is among the faggier breadtubers

You know Porky's actually has a lot to say about systemic racism
