Retards in r/drama argue over whether pizzagate was real or not

1  2020-01-09 by weeaboo_olympics


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This wouldn't have happened if Comrade Stalin was running things.


  1. Retards in r/drama argue over wheth... -,*

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Didn't they ban anyone who didn't post a picture of themselves with a sock in their mouth?

and the only person who actually delivered was a deuxstacy who no longer has a reddit

Thats me! Ps it's real

I've been raped at every pizza restaurant I've ever been to cmv.

Its like these people never eat out

what if pizzagate was actually the children we met along the way

The best thing about this timeline is the pizzagate guys inexplicably turning out to be right about absolutely everything, cinderella story, you love to see it.

I mean he's right tho.

You can go back years ago and find clips of alex jones saying that billionaires/politicans of the world have an island of underage girls. Now here we are years later with Jeffery Epstein and a plane with a long list of billionaires and political elites on the flight logs.

>billionaires/politicans of the world have an island of underage girls.

>Satan worshipping liberals, who unironically practice black magic rituals, exchange child sex slaves through a complex network of secret underground tunnels that link together pizza parlors with hidden rape dungeons

Yes, these two scenarios are exactly the same thing 🙄

Are the mods elite millionaire pedos? Probably!

It is the only explanation.