Cripples mad (x24)

1  2020-01-10 by PlumCorruptor


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If you spent as much time trying to get pussy as you do showing off your double down syndrome on the internet you might still have a chance of becoming a man by the time you hit your forties.


  1. Cripples mad (x24) -,

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Starve haha

Repeal the ADA

No joke, there's this lawyer in California that does nothing but drives around and sues businesses that don't follow bullshit ada guidelines. He sued a gas station owner because a bathroom sink didn't have tubing on the pipe.

Nigga, yo legs don't work, what's the pipe gonna do? Make you not walk more?

disgusting god i hate cripples so much it's unreal

Seeing them in walmart buy 50 pizzas and shit makes me irrationally angry

i don't owe you anything. but you owe me all of your money and your livelihood and income so i can get my fries. EAT THE TICKET AND MULTIPLE DAYS OF LABOR PEASANT. YOU WERE BORN TO SERVE ME

I've never seen so many absolutely brain dead people in.

still don’t think class war is real?

Didn't he go to the door already? She never specified which door.

I’m gonna love watching fatties moan and bitch online in the midst of the boog because they’re starving to death. Fat people deserve to die

Imagine being so progressive you demean and threaten the livehoods of minimal wage workers because of minor inconveniences

“Maybe if you are unable to come to the door you shouldn’t have a job”

who’s the ableist now, bitch?

I unironically hate Twitter w*men