Trannies are mad that men dont want to coom to them

1  2020-01-10 by Chapose


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I dont think im horny after reading that 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Troids and diapers, name a more autistic duo

Man I'm so glad I stumbled across this place for my popcorn instead of that place. What the fuck goes on in there is beyond my understanding


  1. Trannies are mad that men dont want... -,*

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u/FennecRua are you blind?

imagine summoning an oppressed minority from their diaper fetish hideaway just to perform emotional labor on your putrid dick smdh




the madman went and did it 🤩

Now we just have to hope he replies




What kind of piece of shit are you that you don't even know how to bait lolcows? you can't berate them until they've been here for a while.

not holding themselves to the same standards they hold incels to? trans women prove they ARE real women yet again

Trans Inclusive Radical Misogyny 😍😍😍

Trans women are women, that's why they should cover up and not be allowed to leave the house unless accompanied by their legal guardian

I wonder why /u/anri_singer and the rest of transwomen try to force themselves into communitys like this. They're not wanted, nor wanted by these specific people as jerk off material.....yet here they are demanding people jerk it to them.

For the people bitching and whining about cowtoeing to peoples preferences, they sure don't care about other peoples.

They're giving us a preview of what we can expect from them. If we continue catering to their delusions they will become more delusional and demanding.

AGP is literally getting off at the idea of people getting off to you as the feminine self. The broader you can make that audience and bigger a platform you can achieve while "presenting" yourself and forcing people to call you their pronouns, then the bigger a stiffy you get.

Oh I totally know what AGP is, I've spent more than enough time on The Farms following Yaniv and Morgane Oger's threads. Gotta say, I can't wait for Yanny and Ogre to get into a physical slap fight finally

People on that subreddit want to fap to people that have vaginas in diapers

holy shit

Flinging shit

Im starting to believe the theory that the world did end in 2012 and we all just live in hell now.

Accept Allah into your heart

If you really start looking into it with this theory in mind you'll go fucking crazy, try it. Cern ended the world in 2012 and we are living in a rapidly degenerating hologram that's actually taking place in the nanoseconds after it was started.

Trans babies are babies

Trans babes are babes

Speak for yourself

Haha haha holy shit

Are troids or gay bottoms more likely to end up wearing diapers?