Islam Is Right About White Women

1  2020-01-10 by agenderphobe


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  1. Islam Is Right About White Women -,

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You’re not wrong either. Idk how they do it, but when I was a coomer pornhub would only recommend femdom porn to me on my phone. When I got a new phone it went back to generic porn on the homepage.

Islam is right about most things. Except pork.

I like how they pretend that there isnt a huge sub sect of women who think that consent is when you literally ask for consent outloud otherwise its rape.

normal women don’t believe this. maybe some bluecheck intersectional feminist types but this is not a normal expectation from women



Pick one

normal women

Whoa that’s transphobia.

It isnt normal for most women but it's still something for a lot of guys to worry about particularly in college. Especially after the mattres girl/brock turner incidents.

the brock turner thing is true.

The case was extremely flimsy. Even at the very best you could call what brock did sexual misconduct based on his testimony. Activist went on the warpath against brock when he only got a few months in jail and did not convicted of rape.

Drunken consensual hookups =/= rape

he dragged her behind a dumpster and raped her when she was blacked out. its not a situation where lines are blurred and someone was a little drunker than someone else

None of that ever happened. Brock asked her to go back to his dorm and she followed him and they both fell over each other in some bushes and started making out. Brock asked if she could remove her underwear and she said yes. He began to finger her then started to dry hump her. Penetration never happened. 2 swedish students at the school then saw brock and yelled at him and he ran off and they found the girl unconscious. His whole statement is here . The girl was never the one to make a rape accusation ether. She was told she was raped as soon as she woke up in a hospital the next morning by friends. She claimed to not have remember anything after shortly arriving at the party.

The whole case is based on hearsay. There is no evidence that Brock Turner raped her and drunken fingering and dry humping isn't rape.

Islam is right about a lot of things.

some people are uncomfortable having certain parts of their body touched even if it's a "normal" part of sex..

Yeah that’s called autism


Islam is right about quite a few things. Just not the beards and hats, though, those are pretty gay

The beards are okay

Not shitty Islamic goat beards

I happen to think they look handsome