Don't give up deuxchads!

1  2020-01-11 by loli_esports


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people don’t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so that’s what /rj is for.


  1. Don't give up deuxchads! -,

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I want to f*ck the cute anime child

pedo alert

its amos yee yall

Which one theres 3


It's you're you stupid slut.

Charles Barkley would be fun to hang out with. He should be considered more as a role model.

I actually left my house tonight