Have a look at this guy's history. Loser who was probably diddled as a kid and is now pathologically obsessed with "pedos" and spends hours harassing users.

1  2020-01-11 by LewdTeenShinobu


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The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.


  1. Have a look at this guy's history. ... - archive.org, archive.today

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He also seems to have a fetish for masculine black women yet calls everyone who likes petite Asian women a paedo


Thatā€™s more his thing as he has a weird pseudo-cuck fetish where he likes to imagine Black men fucking other menā€™s wives or girlfriends or fiancĆ©es. I think it might stem from his insecurity regarding his penis size(or lack thereof) and his belief in the ā€œall Black guys are hungā€ thing.

As for the pedophilia accusations that came about when people at /r/Tor and /r/onions started to complain about this guy because he kept sending them .onion links to child porn videos and photo albums. And me calling someone a pedo for dating Asian women would be extremely hypocritical considering one of my exes is Japanese.

You know, it's weird you say that, so i will put a little thing here about YOU Pedo Copypasta Part 2

Because Part 1 ran out of room šŸ˜‘. His new alt is and recently revived his account u/NeverDiddledKids(suspended).Now as per his account u/NeverDiddledKids his Asian target has a boyfriend, though he keeps pretending she doesnā€™t have one yet routinely calls the guy her boyfriend. Since his suspension he has come back as u/MayoDickForAznChicks which got suspended in damn near record time. He recently came back as u/FluffyVegetable which also got suspended in record time. He has since came back as u/Slight-Listen which will probably get suspended yet again(didnā€™t last two days itā€™s gone). Why he insists on telling me his life story is beyond me. On the upside he wasnā€™t responsible for the recent mass shooting in California. I should note that our favorite pedophile with hebephile tendencies is back again as u/SwiftRec0very which wonā€™t last either as I suspect he has a sitewide ban as well. He has returned as u/l0lil0verxX69Xx which got banned pretty damn fast. This sentient(barely) pus pocket has of course come back to Reddit as u/Careful-Sock, which got nuked. Now heā€™s back as u/Cultural-Debate which got suspended. He had an older account called u/StolzerLauch that was suspended sometime ago. He had a brief run as u/GoesDownOnLolis but got nuked as well, saw this on Removeddit. He is now back as u/Loud-Status where he admits his sexual taste in 12 year old girls. Another account of his I found seems inactive(now active again) and is called u/Aggressive_Error(suspended). His new active account is u/ElectricalFox9 which was recently deleted as of 1/6/2020(I was mistaken, his account was just suspended). He has since made a new account called u/ProHapaMaker(suspended)and was on another account called u/National_Height(suspended not deleted). So this makes 43 alts for now, 44 as of now with his new account u/RudestChineseTourist. He has a new account called u/FutureHapaDaddy which just got suspended as of 1/10/2020 barely lasted 6 hours so thatā€™s 45 alts down. Back again today as u/Benchupuressu brings that number up to 46 alts though this one got nuked as well today. His 47th alt known as u/LewdTeenShinobu made itā€™s appearance today.

Another Redditor uploaded this post he(saved in case of deletion), seems heā€™s not muscular at all


Update: he now thinks his target is a pedo but itā€™s just him projecting his mental illness onto the girl he wants to rape and his body type on her boyfriend



Iā€™d also like to add some clarifications regarding his history of child porn posting. He wasnā€™t specifically random in who he sent the links to. He wanted people who he DMā€™d to see what was in the links. The users he DMā€™d were/are part of the r/Tor sub-Reddit and/or r/onions, some of the people he targeted still post there, some donā€™t and some deleted their accounts. He seems to think Iā€™m stupid and just making shit up.

He also likes to claim he didnā€™t message people when he does in fact message them


Update: He mightā€™ve joined Incels.co


Update: No offense to anyone who feels that their penis is small or inadequate, this is something beyond your control and I will not mock suck people. That being said, YameteOniiChanItai has a micro penis and keeps admitting to this.


Update: YameteOniiChanItai has decided to start fixate on my unborn child, notable hoping that my child is a girl.


Another Update But A Funny One:

Heā€™s oddly open about having a small penis.


Update: YameteOniiChanItai saying he will drug and rape the Asian girl/girls he is ā€œfriendsā€ with or any other young girl he encounters especially if underage. I should also note that he is not a European national.


Horrifying update: YameteOniiChanItai has now asked me if I am open to receiving child porn. By ā€œdateā€ he means drug(or get the girl drunk) and rape the young girl or woman.


Iā€™ve provided more links for those looking to report this guy beyond just reporting him to Reddit Admins

https://tips.fbi.gov https://report.cybertip.org https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx https://cybercrime.gov.in/cybercitizen/home.htm

Update: Well folks Iā€™ve been permanently nuked, but no worries Iā€™ll be back permanently one day because Iā€™m just as persistent as Early Cuyler whoo baby! Also I would like to take a moment to add that the other alt account for YameteOniiChanItai known as u/LoliGirlLL22 was permanently suspended as well. Canā€™t imagine why, seemed like such a wholesome and family friendly account what with her posts being featured on the now banned r/AgeplayPenpals where she wanted to roleplay as a 10-year old girl in an abusive sexual relationship with her older brother and another where she wanted to have a similar roleplay setting with someone pretending to be her father and she a girl of half Asian ancestry. Funny, thatā€™s something that YameteOniiChanItai was(and still is) heavily into what with him saying he wanted to rape any daughters he has, kill his male children and also made it clear he seems to admire and possibly even idolize Josef Fritzl. I should also note that he has recently began to harass another woman on Reddit as he believes any account that commented in the same subs I frequented was an alt account of my and my associate u/AlphaOmegaSithReborn. I would like to take this time to also announce that Sith will not be returning to Reddit as he has explained heā€™s tired of Reddit shielding and protecting pedophiles who openly commit crimes on this website(such as YameteOniiChanItai and his previous history of posting and sending child porn to people, including AlphaOmegaSith under his first account). My other associate has expressed their desire to return to Reddit as well, though they will be keeping a much lower profile but will still be aiding me in ensuring that YameteOniiChanItai and people like him can never cause harm to anyone. In closing, during my rather unfortunate hiatus I would like to pass on this infopasta as well as my original infopasta for anyone who would like to use it to help prevent pedophiles from victimizing others.

Random: in regards to the account of the name u/LittleKnifeMachiko, I am not personally affiliated with the person behind that account and it seems they werenā€™t involved in any of my actions here. As to why this person was suspended I am not sure. YameteOniiChanItai has accused me of being the owner of all the accounts yet this has been proven to be false. He has also accused me of lying about my personal life, when in reality he lies all the time about his antics both here and on Reddit.

Possible Final Update: Almost forgot, YameteOniiChanItai might have another alternative account under the name dingleberryb0b where he likes to spread his pro-pedophile/hebephile propaganda of how being against child sexual abuse is somehow sexist. However this may not be him and may just be another fun of the mill freak. Please be very careful when dealing with this individual. As for the woman that YameteOniiChanItai was targeting and expressed his desire to drug and assault, nothing has happened to her thankfully and it seems YameteOniiChanItai is focusing on a woman who doesnā€™t fit his standards for a potential victim so I am not particularly scared for her safety. He was going to target another young Asian girl but she will be out of his reach permanently soon. I wish you all safety and and happiness and may we some day meet again.

This is TheSadistKingofTypos signing out.

Gonna miss that dude :(



Why is your account 1hr old? What's going on?

His other account /u/Benchupuressu got banned today. So the little beta is now throwing a tantrum. I mean he knows people can see my post history and I donā€™t have an issue with people looking at what I say a post. By all means browse away folks.

You both should fuck off

Meh this guy deserves to be exposed and I admit I also enjoy watching him Sperg out like Russell Greer whenever some Instagram girl doesnā€™t DM him back.

This man is a ban evading pedophile whoā€™s used the names /u/YameteOniichanItai(deleted after posting Lolicon porn), /u/BigTiddyAnimeWaifu(deleted after posting Lolicon porn), /u/WatermelonMcNuggets(suspended for admitting he liked masturbating to underage girls on Instagram), /u/EasternMaybe(inactive), /u/Shortcakespecial(suspended), /u/LolIsDaiSukI(suspended), /u/CorgieOwner711(suspended), /u/strawberryspoongecake(suspended for possibly posting child porn) /u/accidentialmagic , /u/LargeNosedMan, /u/LegalShota(suspended), /u/TheSadlstKingOfTypos(a parody of my username, suspended for harassment and sexualization of minors), /u/Corgitwiggle, /u/10pep or /u/10plep (suspended after posting an underage girl to /r/Jizzedtothis), recently he has switched to a formerly dormant alt account called /u/ExcitabIeBoy(now dormant again), he abandoned the account named /u/TwinkPornAlt(suspended) and has began using this new account called /u/87612386(suspended)while simultaneously using an account called /u/Legitimate_Baseball(suspended)that he has abandoned for this alt named /u/dlldt99s(suspended) before moving to the alt named /u/34dsfsd(suspended) and finally returning under the name /u/WyattsRecognitions(suspended) before switching over to /u/LegitimateClassroom(suspended) before he migrated to /u/FickleMaintenance(suspended)and now using /u/NorthNegotiation(suspended) but after the loss of this account he has now gone on to the account called /u/ACuteAnimeGirl which just got suspended. The pedophile pest has come back under the name /u/First_Individual(also suspended). This man is a sick fuck. He also was banned for describing wanting to rape a 10 year old girl as part of a ā€œbig brother/little sisterā€ rape fantasy of his on /r/justneckbeardthings. Recently he has taken to harassing people on Reddit who call him out as well as doubling down on why his pedophilia and mild hebephilia should be viewed as a legitimate orientation and anyone who doesnā€™t agree with him is automatically a bigot or a troll or an alt. Also /u/LGLL26(suspended) and /u/CoupeMaster(also suspended) might be one of his alts as well and /u/PRs4MyWaifu is a fake alt he gave. Heā€™s expressed interest in having ā€œcute half Asian daughters but no boys because they have mental problemsā€ which might be a front for saying he wants daughters so he can live out his fantasy of raping ā€œreal life lolisā€ as he doesnā€™t have much interest in boys though he did say he likes ā€œtwinkā€ underage boys and finds their bodies very attractive. This person has also admitted to keeping a photo album full of pictures of children that he masturbates too and has mentioned using sunglasses to hide the fact that he enjoys leering at little girls. Heā€™s also expressed his interest in traveling to Asian countries where trafficking underage children is very common. If you actually know this man and you have children it is ill advised to continue associating with him. Another development is that heā€™s recently expressed his interest in adopting a little girl to ā€œraise and adoreā€ as he put it, I donā€™t think I have to tell you what he really intends. Thereā€™s also a good chance he may have fled his home country of Hungary and gone to Switzerland or Sweden to escape a rape charge involving an underage girl, not a ā€œlegal but underageā€ girl but one who was too young. Take the last few parts with a grain of salt as this guy routinely lies about where he is from and has lied about his ethnicity as well. He also routinely lies about his health and weight as well, he is either obese or ā€œscrawny.ā€ This isnā€™t me going after someone for thought crimes, he fully intends to offend one day if he hasnā€™t already by this point. Iā€™d also like to add that if you happen to know an Asian woman(possibly East Asian, Chinese, Korean or Japanese) attending school in Hungary or Sweden or Switzerland, between the ages of 18 and 26, standing at 4ā€™10 to 5ā€™3 please reach out to her immediately. This man has expressed his ā€œinterestsā€ in capturing the quote ā€œreal life loli and doing so many fun things with her little loli body.ā€ This man is dangerous so please if you know anyone in the countries mentioned who fits this description please tell her to be on her guard at all times. Also if youā€™re an Asian woman keep in mind heā€™s directly said that your entire raceā€™s purpose is to ā€œserve as perfect substitutes for pedophiles and hebephiles.ā€ Another recent development regarding this subhuman cyst: he has started fabricating stories about himself being the victim of sexual assault at the age of 10 at the hands of an alleged aunt. This is a bogus claim as the ā€œscenarioā€ he described is the same scenario he previously described as wanting to act out with a 10-year old girl, namely this girl crying while he told her ā€œLet uncle enjoy your cute loli body.ā€ So heā€™s an even bigger piece of shit now that heā€™s added false rape/abuse/molestation claims to his scum resume.

Also hereā€™s a helpful link for anyone seeing this


Thereā€™s also a little link here to a story he wanted to write


Along with the post he made about wanting to adopt a little girl(will edit if he deletes but I have the screenshot)


He has biastophilic urges as well


And here he is once again proving he wants to rape whatever unfortunate child he adopts


Him admitting to having a folder of little girlsā€™ swimsuit pictures



He slipped up here


His creepy loli infatuation plus racism towards Asian men(and hatred of himself as he hates being White and hates White women but wants Half White Daughters) and need to send his sexual fantasies and delusions to anyone and everyone.





Ironically this guy claims heā€™s nice and ā€œrespects the wahmenzā€ but then randomly follows women around Reddit sending them shit like this. In addition to accusing people of the exact same shit he does himself.


Furthermore, it appears this future Chinese wife is actually fictional to some degree considering sheā€™s actually a Japanese fuck-pillow

Update: On his account

/u/TheSadlstKingOfTypos(the parody of my account) he let it slip that he likes slim women due to a medical disorder he has, itā€™s commonly referred to as ā€œmicro penis.ā€ What does this have to do with his love of small women and young girls aged 10 to 14 along with his fetish for incestous rape? Well he feels that despite his penis size being closer to that an adult womanā€™s small clitoris he would be able to a achieve penetration with a small adult woman or a small child.

Yet another update: heā€™s now saying he is in Romania and goes on to further confirm that his sole reason for being attracted to his ā€œtotally real future Chinese murder/rape victim-I mean wifeā€ is because she looks like sheā€™s 12-years old. If youā€™re trying to convince people youā€™re not a pedophile/hebephile, maybe donā€™t act like one.


Edit: he really sucks at being subtle and is a terrible liar




Heā€™s now claiming to be bisexual


Update: May actually be a resident of South Bend, Indiana as he claimed to be a Notre Dame student. I should also add that this person has been known to post or PM .onion links to people so careful clicking on any links he sends. Although not clicking them all together is a smarter choice. Iā€™d also like to point out that if youā€™re an Asian woman or Asian man you might want to refrain for mentioning it to this man, if youā€™re a woman he he will harass you and constantly ask you if you have a ā€œsexy little loli bodyā€ and may even ask for nudes. If youā€™re a man heā€™ll still harass you and claim that you arenā€™t a real man because you are Asian. Also if any of you post on Cringetopia, justneckbeardthings, justlegbeardthings, PedoLogic, unpopularopinion, BotchedSurgeries or any NSFW subā€™s dedicated to asses or boobs or Hitomi Tanaka heā€™ll automatically assume that you are me because I post in those subs.

Update: He seems to slipping up regarding the height of the Chinese girl he supposedly friends with. First he says sheā€™s 4ā€™11 then he says sheā€™s 4ā€™10.

Another update:

Heā€™s getting dumber slipped up several times in this screenshot from another person he seems to have a crush on.


Yet another goddamn update: He now claims his fictional crush is 4ā€™9. Politicians call tell better lies than this guy!



Ladies and gentlemen a picture of his girlfriend/the 4ā€™9(or 4ā€™10 or 4ā€™11) Chinese loli he talks about. Itā€™s official? There is no Chinese girl heā€™s talking to so we have nothin to worry about, except him possibly finding a real life woman or little girl and assaulting them or killing them.

Please note this is sarcasm.

Clears Throat In Farnsworth: Good news everyone! It seems the malignant tumor was rejected by his target/future victim, heā€™s now going on racist rants about her. The bad news is heā€™s still alive.


Great Update: He admitted to being YameteOniiChanItai


Another ā€œGoodā€ Update: Confirmed that he will kill any of his male children(screenshot was taken by another party).


And hereā€™s this little gem I received from someone who recognized this creep


All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Pedo Copypasta Part 2

Because Part 1 ran out of room šŸ˜‘. His new alt is and recently revived his account /u/NeverDiddledKids(suspended).Now as per his account /u/NeverDiddledKids his Asian target has a boyfriend, though he keeps pretending she doesnā€™t have one yet routinely calls the guy her boyfriend. Since his suspension he has come back as /u/MayoDickForAznChicks which got suspended in damn near record time. He recently came back as /u/FluffyVegetable which also got suspended in record time. He has since came back as /u/Slight-Listen which will probably get suspended yet again(didnā€™t last two days itā€™s gone). Why he insists on telling me his life story is beyond me. On the upside he wasnā€™t responsible for the recent mass shooting in California. I should note that our favorite pedophile with hebephile tendencies is back again as /u/SwiftRec0very which wonā€™t last either as I suspect he has a sitewide ban as well. He has returned as /u/l0lil0ver_xX69Xx_ which got banned pretty damn fast. This sentient(barely) pus pocket has of course come back to Reddit as /u/Careful-Sock, which got nuked. Now heā€™s back as /u/Cultural-Debate which got suspended. He had an older account called /u/StolzerLauch that was suspended sometime ago. He had a brief run as /u/GoesDownOnLolis but got nuked as well, saw this on Removeddit. He is now back as /u/Loud-Status where he admits his sexual taste in 12 year old girls. Another account of his I found seems inactive(now active again) and is called /u/Aggressive_Error(suspended). His new active account is /u/ElectricalFox9 which was recently deleted as of 1/6/2020(I was mistaken, his account was just suspended). He has since made a new account called /u/ProHapaMaker(suspended)and was on another account called /u/National_Height(suspended not deleted). So this makes 43 alts for now, 44 as of now with his new account /u/RudestChineseTourist. He has a new account called /u/FutureHapaDaddy which just got suspended as of 1/10/2020 barely lasted 6 hours so thatā€™s 45 alts down. Back again today as /u/Benchupuressu brings that number up to 46 alts though this one got nuked as well today. His 47th alt known as /u/LewdTeenShinobu made itā€™s appearance today.

Another Redditor uploaded this post he(saved in case of deletion), seems heā€™s not muscular at all


Update: he now thinks his target is a pedo but itā€™s just him projecting his mental illness onto the girl he wants to rape and his body type on her boyfriend



Iā€™d also like to add some clarifications regarding his history of child porn posting. He wasnā€™t specifically random in who he sent the links to. He wanted people who he DMā€™d to see what was in the links. The users he DMā€™d were/are part of the /r/Tor sub-Reddit and/or /r/onions, some of the people he targeted still post there, some donā€™t and some deleted their accounts. He seems to think Iā€™m stupid and just making shit up.

He also likes to claim he didnā€™t message people when he does in fact message them


Update: He mightā€™ve joined Incels.co


Update: No offense to anyone who feels that their penis is small or inadequate, this is something beyond your control and I will not mock suck people. That being said, YameteOniiChanItai has a micro penis and keeps admitting to this.


Update: YameteOniiChanItai has decided to start fixate on my unborn child, notable hoping that my child is a girl.


Another Update But A Funny One:

Heā€™s oddly open about having a small penis.


Update: YameteOniiChanItai saying he will drug and rape the Asian girl/girls he is ā€œfriendsā€ with or any other young girl he encounters especially if underage. I should also note that he is not a European national.


Horrifying update: YameteOniiChanItai has now asked me if I am open to receiving child porn. By ā€œdateā€ he means drug(or get the girl drunk) and rape the young girl or woman.


Iā€™ve provided more links for those looking to report this guy beyond just reporting him to Reddit Admins

https://tips.fbi.gov https://report.cybertip.org https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx https://cybercrime.gov.in/cybercitizen/home.htm

Update: Well folks Iā€™ve been permanently nuked, but no worries Iā€™ll be back permanently one day because Iā€™m just as persistent as Early Cuyler whoo baby! Also I would like to take a moment to add that the other alt account for YameteOniiChanItai known as /u/LoliGirlLL22 was permanently suspended as well. Canā€™t imagine why, seemed like such a wholesome and family friendly account what with her posts being featured on the now banned /r/AgeplayPenpals where she wanted to roleplay as a 10-year old girl in an abusive sexual relationship with her older brother and another where she wanted to have a similar roleplay setting with someone pretending to be her father and she a girl of half Asian ancestry. Funny, thatā€™s something that YameteOniiChanItai was(and still is) heavily into what with him saying he wanted to rape any daughters he has, kill his male children and also made it clear he seems to admire and possibly even idolize Josef Fritzl. I should also note that he has recently began to harass another woman on Reddit as he believes any account that commented in the same subs I frequented was an alt account of my and my associate /u/AlphaOmegaSithReborn. I would like to take this time to also announce that Sith will not be returning to Reddit as he has explained heā€™s tired of Reddit shielding and protecting pedophiles who openly commit crimes on this website(such as YameteOniiChanItai and his previous history of posting and sending child porn to people, including AlphaOmegaSith under his first account). My other associate has expressed their desire to return to Reddit as well, though they will be keeping a much lower profile but will still be aiding me in ensuring that YameteOniiChanItai and people like him can never cause harm to anyone. In closing, during my rather unfortunate hiatus I would like to pass on this infopasta as well as my original infopasta for anyone who would like to use it to help prevent pedophiles from victimizing others.

Random: in regards to the account of the name /u/LittleKnifeMachiko, I am not personally affiliated with the person behind that account and it seems they werenā€™t involved in any of my actions here. As to why this person was suspended I am not sure. YameteOniiChanItai has accused me of being the owner of all the accounts yet this has been proven to be false. He has also accused me of lying about my personal life, when in reality he lies all the time about his antics both here and on Reddit.

Possible Final Update: Almost forgot, YameteOniiChanItai might have another alternative account under the name dingleberryb0b where he likes to spread his pro-pedophile/hebephile propaganda of how being against child sexual abuse is somehow sexist. However this may not be him and may just be another fun of the mill freak. Please be very careful when dealing with this individual. As for the woman that YameteOniiChanItai was targeting and expressed his desire to drug and assault, nothing has happened to her thankfully and it seems YameteOniiChanItai is focusing on a woman who doesnā€™t fit his standards for a potential victim so I am not particularly scared for her safety. He was going to target another young Asian girl but she will be out of his reach permanently soon. I wish you all safety and and happiness and may we some day meet again.

This is TheSadistKingofTypos signing out.

Gonna miss that dude :(

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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