Duex gets shoad by the subreddit that is the official hub for far right wing users locating new hate subreddits

1  2020-01-11 by Kat_B0T


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/r/DeuxRAMA is considered a "troll" subreddit

dude lmao

Dude nigger lmao


Wait, am I the only one posting my 100% serious opinions here?

At any given point there's about a 50/50 chance of me even knowing if my hot takes are ironic or not tbh

Truly based


I guess I’m the only one unironically advocating for the mayocide around here 🙄

Coming from Barfy, that's basically sticking up for you mongoloids.

mfw I'm in two (2) of these screenshots

I need to go outside.

Just stay in another day. It’s cold outside.

Bahaha that can’t be real? You can never tell anymore

I could see a poorama user selfposting in ahs

Well, I mean, we are racist. But only against mayos.

Speak for yourself. I'm an equal opportunity racist.


TROLL? First of all how dare you...


Hey, thanks for your submission, but r/DeuxRAMA is considered a "troll" subreddit and as such, we aren't focusing on it.


Hey, thanks for your submission, but /r/DeuxRAMA is considered a "troll" subreddit and as such, we aren't focusing on it.

I wonder how much whoever posted that is seething at this right now lul

Aaaaaand the OP is a furry 🤦🏿‍♂️ And unsurprisingly a SRDine


he lives in the San Francisco Bay Area

I am jack's complete lack of surprise

This whole thing is coming at a complete shock to me 😱. Especially AHS super jannies having a tiny bit of self awareness and ability not to conflate everything into being alt right.

And it's Tardfinn, too. The supreme moron of the powerjanny crowd.

It's pretty unique as these things go.

He's officially been canned

*trans species


It's b*rdfinn. B*rdfinn sperged out at the admins when pinged by deuxcels and got quite a few people banned and threads deleted.

He's probably bussy blasted cuz they don't pay him enough

Only janitors love to make $0.00/hr. Its like they were born to do it for free

Much worse he is a cosplayer 🤢


Is that Bardfinn guy a mod here? Since I'm on mobile I can't see it until I get home.

No but we should implement her ban appeal approach

Are we talking about the powerjanny?

Yes. You get banned for no reason and to appeal you must determine which rule you broke and write an essay about how you won’t break it again.


The name seems familiar but I don't know where I remember it from. They're probably a powerjanny though

Literally the worst powerjannie among them all

He's a power janny that shows up on r/drama every once in a while due to the obscenely stupid things he says

  • Is mod
  • Tranny
  • Mods AHS
  • Mods masstagger
  • Mods TopMindsOfReddit
  • Mods ContraPoints

I have a feeling if it gets removed from being a mod it will join the 43%

All mods are trannys

Is mod a synonym for tranny?

I aint never seen a mod without an HRT prescription

My sweet summer child...


He’s the brigadier general of AHS, the hate subreddit specializing in brigading and censoring other subs. You are not even supposed to use his name on drama subs because that’s considered bullying and he’ll tattle to the admins.

I don't really care to remember powerusers

Then you’re not living up to your full drama potential 😢😢😢


I don’t think that’s how it works

But what if it is

She’s just one of many



I love that you dug up that account because of my comment.

I was actually thinking of that post you made, I still remember it!

Lmao it felt like I was being summoned

Imagine not using the desktop site on mobile


B*rdf*nn is a genderfluid, specifically, a puddle of semen.

Even if you are a leftoid, you are actually a rightoid. Horseshoe theory proves this.

Hey maybe the AHS jannies aren't that retarded afterall

They work for free, ofc they're retarded

(x) doubt

“A troll sub”? I’m hurt to the core.

a moment of silence for the 6 gorillion deuxchads who were just shoah'd by this man in an instant

Oi vay!

Never Again!

Aww man I wanted to complete my AHS bingo card

I am sad that I didn't make it on the list :(

The Hebrews at ahs will pay for this!!!!

Everything meta can eat fuck

Lmfao. We're safe

Bardy is officially based now.

lmao, fuck no

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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