meth addict is mad that he’s called out for doing meth

1  2020-01-11 by drugsarecool419


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. meth addict is mad that he’s called... -,

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I don't see people with adhd turning to meth when they run out of adderall

That's where you're wrong kiddo

maybe it’s because people are on stimulants for life and get a dose everyday unlike opioids where u get 4 weeks worth of doses and then taken off forever

Yes. Taking my prescription of adderall is equitable to me taking meth and making me a meth addict.

the only difference between you and a meth head is a prescription sorry...

Hey, to each their own. You are entitled to your opinion. I pick and choose days that I take my pills based on how dense my schedule is and how much time I have to do what I need to. I often go a few days and over a week without taking it and feel no withdrawal symptoms.

stfu lol

I will, it’s just nice knowing that i’m actually doing stuff with my life and you’re still gonna be on reddit trying to piss people off.

posts on r/adhd

doing stuff with his life

lol larp

this coming from someone who uses a sub with “knowledge by memes” in its description and for the past weeks has posted at least once a day in r/drama... Yea, I know i’m doing quite a bit better here. You know it too but you won’t admit it. Sad life ig.


meth is based. edit: weed is unironically for faggots. god i hate stoners so fucking much

this 🤩🤩

“It’s not bad for you, man! It’s not addictive! I can stop whenever I want to!!”

It can be addictive but if not abused it’s quite rare. I take 15 mg when i feel like i need it and have no problems taking a few days or weeks without it. Get off shortcels and do a little research.

I was talking more about weed than adderall. I’ll be honest-I don’t know enough about adderall to really have an opinion on it.

I've watched all of Breaking Bad, so I'm actually pretty knowledgeable about meth, and by extension, Adderall as well.