Why do all the Christian anti-degeneracy subs love the soyboy/bugman meme so much?

1  2020-01-13 by TimGuoRen

The vocal Christians I know in real life all pretty much look like this:


Like, did you even witness a YMCA meet up? These guys are bugman/soy central. Full of guys in their late 20s, balding, no kids, single, that are excited about the new Star Wars movie.

I just think it is weird that Christian subs make fun of soy boys. Not trying to start a sane discussion. Please just post some insulting comments or whatever.


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The first degree of cope is blaming LMS for dating failures

The second degree of cope is becoming blackpilled at failure to looksmax

The third degree of cope is blaming foids for not """lowering their standards"""

The fourth degree of cope is naming (((propaganda))) as the cause for foid preferences

The fifth degree of cope is to call society itself degenerate.

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Why do all the Christian anti-degen... - archive.org, archive.today

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/ConsumePro... - archive.org, archive.today

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Because (((rightoid))) shit, including Christianity, tries to infiltrate every anti-consumer movement. Leftoids do it too.

Fucking this.

That sub used to be good, until it started to be infested by these freaks. MDE and CA rightoid refugees.

Almost like a group of people are profiting from all discussion against consumerism getting hijacked by hating cops and niglets.

Shut up nigger,

I'll pull the trigger

Because they are all Internet addicted weirdos like soyboys and bugmen, it's all projection

s-s-stop masturbating becuz dopamine1!!!
now let me spend 16 hours a day on the internet

gee whiz

If you look closely most of this shit boils down to looking for excuses to feel superior to others, and how smart you feel boiling down all societal issues to some simplistic 2 dimensional model of being macho and masculine and traditional(and thus having the secret solution nobody else is intelligent enough to see).

We didn't used to have all this trashy domestic violence back in the old days, it's getting worse(what they really mean is more visible), blame Cardi B. Except for all the times when people would just live with domestic violence and not report it, and how it used to be legal to rape your spouse, that doesn't count because it's traditional. If you spend serious amounts of time talking about "degeneracy" you're likely not any better, but you also likely think you're a lot smarter than you actually are.

some simplistic 2 dimensional model of being macho and masculine and traditional

It is also already a little weird to lump being masculine and macho together, but I can see the connection they try to make. But thinking being traditional and being masculine is the same thing is nothing but a giant cope.

These "traditional" guys I know in real life are the most soy of all soy boys. Chubby (if not just fat), out of shape, balding, in their late 20s but still having the life style of a teenager, no girlfriend, under average looking. And all this not even in a neckbeard kinda way, but literally in the most unthreatening soy boy kind of way. But somehow because they have traditional views on dating (which is already just a cope to not getting a girlfriend), these soy bugmen think they are now masculine. Like they found the easiest way to be masculine: You can be fat, ugly, unthreatening and getting excited about video games, but you are still a man because you talk with your soy YMCA friends about how bad society is.

Once a very skinny and weak 25yo virgin in my group of friends told us that nowadays men are such pussies that they sit down to piss. I asked him if he also stands pissing at home or just in public toilets. He said of course he stands at home, too. Everyone made fun of him for pissing all over his own bathroom, and asked him how masculine he feels while cleaning his piss. He: "What the fuck? I never clean the toilette!!!" Someone: "That's right. Because you still live with your mom." Guess that is not how he planned this conversation to turn...

What sect of christanity?

Catholics are pretty based since they have semi socialist values and tend to value communitie more than coonsuming other than when drinking

implying any of these freaks online were baptized Catholic


OP bug man searches for someone more soy than himself. SAD!