Gangrapist with dead coward brother bursts into thread and screams "give me attention", gets abuse instead. Proves how little he cares by downvoting and shouting it from the rooftops publicly and privately, and blocking me.

1  2020-01-13 by Miro_Semberac

That's usually what I do when people write me things that don't affect me emotionally. I go out of my way to use an automated script to shield me from their messages. Because they don't affect me.


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You both are such faggots, cut it out - nobody’s impressed and you’re both just embarrassing yourselves

Get off reddit - it’s so obvious you’re salty and butthurt OP, otherwise you wouldn’t be making an entire post dedicated to whining about this shit like a little bitch


How’s your life situation right now?

Do you have a good house? Any friends or family? Romantic partner?

What kind of job do you do?

i repurpose shopping carts, and the ADL throws me a couple shekels for each goy like you I turn in, enjoy sleeping outside and pushing a cart around punk

I feel for you matey, you’ve got my pity

Looking forward to you making more salty posts - Casanova must really be living rent free in your head tbh

Maybe you’ll have a hot mayo wife like him someday





Are there people who actually think sucking dick is gay ?

  1. you're sharing protein
  2. you're admiring masculine physique
  3. being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone
  4. eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.

all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.


  1. Gangrapist with dead coward brother... -,

  2. -,*

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I love how much you love me, now bend over ❤️

imagine caring about some streetnigger
