Better love story than Twilight

1  2020-01-15 by Trump_FTW_88


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  1. Better love story than Twilight -,

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tfw no shredded Adolf abs to kiss and caress

That’s the gay dude that likes wearing heels?

the guy with the faggot pussy suicided brother


Street shitter defense force has arrived.

Nah, dude is a tard but imagine having to target someone's dead brother.

Who is this street defecation enthusiast and why is he all over this sub recently?

I don't see how this belongs here, it's just two gay Muslim men in love.

Daddy nooooooo it's a man !! 😭😭😭


I see all, I am just polite enough to let everyone play their hands before I reveal pocket aces with no flush / straight potential.

pocket aces

Is that the small fleshlight knock off sold in India?

Har harrrrr.

See you at the tables.

Y'all are just making me more famous in the future, keep it up :D

You're fabulous, sweetheart. #MAGA2020

Me on the far right.