Episcopalians for Bernie Sanders | Just passing through, F's in the comment for Warren.

1  2020-01-15 by CasanovaNova


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Episcopalians for Bernie Sanders | ... - archive.org, archive.today

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It’s a BernieJerk.

bernie can't undo the emotional abuse your brother suffered his entire life or bring him back from the dead

Damn man why are you hassling him about his dead brother?

If you go on a drama/lolcow community and show leviathan arrogance and brag about how little you don't care, what do you expect to happen? Especially after you inadvertently reveal that you do care?

leviathan ignorance

Ignorance of sea monsters?

pedantic while incorrect ass nikka

Shut up Serbian.

I appreciate the drama, but your bit is way more pathetic and cringey than any of casanovas. Idk maybe thats what you are going for.

so? I live in a shed and steal shopping carts for a living, you think this is my bottom?

Haha in that case, respect bro keep it up

How much you make per cart? Do you just scrap them?

I mean I don't steal anything. I just find carts that happen to end up off of property and thus are technically abandoned, fix them, and sell them.

fix them, and sell them.

To who?

alright this trailer park boys bit has run its course

everyone knows you double down on your bit or else it looks like you live with the rents

Man i thought you were for real 😡 are you trying to make a fool of me???

Bubbles, he is not.

What's the delta-v (amount of carts you need at minimum to pay for you existence)?

lol he mad

Why do you think I’d be into necromancy?

He actually lived a beautiful life. He was Canadian military and used to have women fighting over him. He only married wrong and moved to the USA after punching pussy.

You’re still mad I blocked you as I will do now.

Here comes a new account lol

Here comes the rain again... #falling on my head like a memory

It’s a shame he said all those nasty things about Warren😞

where’s that reason why Trump won commenter

Trump won for every reason at this point

CNN benefits from a trump presidency, I don’t know why democRATs keep having to revisit this same concept every year

CNN as a corporate entity benefits from a trump presidency

OK, fine, you've found one bad thing about the Trump presidency. Point conceded.

Well there is a second bad thing. why are his supporters so angry all the time? they’re triggering libs AND have all 3 branches of government yet somehow ended up angrier than the people they set out to spite

does G*d hate them or something?

Allah (peace be upon him) loves all of his children.



I'm a Episcopalian and its kinda sad. Episcopalians are dull PMC Warren voters. When's the last time an Episcopalian went DEUS VULT on a motherfucker? Gaddafi doesn't count, that dude was a pimp.