1  2020-01-15 by SaltOverPlow


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. CUNT -,

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We rightoids now boys

fugee life good life

As if you care about saint bernard

youre right i dont

just hate this bitch

you’re a fag post less


Typical berniebro unable to control his male, white rage 🙄

You do realize more than half of his supporters are women, right? Also that he has the highest proportion of Latino vote too? And I do denounce OP calling Warren names.

you cant denounce me. i already denounced you.

shutup cunt

Why are white males coming to this sub?? Go away with your patriarchal way of commenting 👋😒

It's colonization, bitch. Hope you're ready for some hot, steaming civilization boy, bend over.



Gross, get out of here, incel

Women or "women"

I don’t like Bernie and she still is a cunt.

I cant wait for Trump to call her Poccohontas at the debates while she fights back tears. Trump's got this shit in the bag honestly.

Why would those two be debating?

because joe biden is busy talking absolute nonsense as he slowly loses his mind, and bernie will never win the democratic nomination. the powers that be really want to keep pushing for a neolib woman president. why wouldnt those two be debating? enlighten me on who you believe will have the stage.

It'll be Biden.

the ultimate black pill

Not really. It’s obvious that it’ll be Biden. Has been since the beginning.

I just mean the fact that this guy is clearly losing his mind isn't enough to knock his numbers down. The fact that he was the war criminal, obamas vice president is enough for most democrats to vote for him feels like a black pill to me.

The potus is even less coherent in the head, and this isn’t doesn’t present any problem for the republican voters whatsoever. This is just the timeline we’re living in.

I think the media tries to portray trump as not right in the head, but he's seemed coherent in any video of him that i have seen. Meanwhile, joe biden is actively sounding like an Alzheimers patient at speeches and debates. For example: , I mean yeah i disagree with trumps politics, but i don't think he's as far gone as liberal media would have you believe.

Is this a larp? Because one of the funniest things about the current circus is that the media is actually routinely forced to make trump sound more coherent than he actually is.

Got an example?

An example is provided by any trump rally, and subsequent summaries by the press where they try to mold it into something half-coherent - even if they’re going to be shutting on it immediately.

Or you could go all the way back to the nuclear speech. He hasn’t gotten any less retarded since.

That speech is perfectly coherent. You might be suffering from alzheimers.


I don't like cunts and Bernie's still a she.

For some reason, "male white rage" sounds unnatural, but "white male rage" sounds normal. 🤔

I'm Hansian don't judge me

Why? Teepee mommy just dabbed on bernbros using corruption, pretty based if you ask me.

i dont want to see a woman speaking on television.

Hahaha Nigga Close Your Eyes Like Nigga Just Turn The Tv Off Hahahaha

The bitch will still be talking though.

close yuor ears

She’s only 1023/1024 cunt

Stay mad bitch.

Warren2020 #NeverBernie #NeverTrump


Imagine giving a shit about what happened at the mayo debates. Trump the only POC this election and hes gonna wipe the floor with the DNC’s milquetoast honkies. #mayocide2020

what debate?

Opened this on my phone it was such high resolution I actually jumped in fright


snoozeposters out

No 😤

Happy cake day

Thank you Jidi.

Cunt has various meanings in my world and not always a put down. So is she a good cunt or a total cunt?

Stupidcels absolutely seething

I'm a bong, who is that weird looking dude?

That's Karen.

I'd like to poke her hauntess

I'd like to wig her wam

I'd like to ride her buffalo hump

Whenever I see her I can only think of the alien from Mac and Me.

Cum tier post

Not a fan of her politically but I would go down on her

Islam Bernie Is Right About Women