Actual footage of me trying to share my boomer wisdom with the braindead kids of DeuxRama

1  2020-01-16 by Redactor0


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YIKES gonna pass on that sub bud 😬😬

ill mark it down 4 some gas tho πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘


  1. Actual footage of me trying to shar... -,

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Big talk from a guy that doesn't even know how to play pokemon.

We'll see who's laughing at the next euchre tournament.



Choose one

You would be bitching in zoomer-German right now if we hadn't won the war. πŸ‘΄

The boomers fought in WWII? Lol. Okay boomer.

Have you ever dreamt of being inside the srdine can?

That would be a nightmare.

The original trilogy looked so weird

next you’re going to tell me that lead paint chips are good

But they're so sweet. It's like free candy from your house.

Star Trek is nerd cancer, that said some of the original series episodes were ok. Patrick Stewart is not based

Curly-haired boy knows how to sweet talk the Captain into showing him that tight bussy.