How jungle Asians looksmaxx

1  2020-01-16 by LeEpicMemerDude69420


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Are you retarded?

wow this faggot did something funny for once 👌👌😄


  1. How jungle Asians looksmaxx -,

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you can inject glutathione for that superior honorary aryan look, or even more powerful would be a melanocyte based peptide that has not necessarily ever been injected into a mammal. but the chinese companies already have it listed so there could be some chinese pioneers leading the way already

M*yos could use some of these creams. Mfers so red they look like tomatoes. Indians are way whiter

Imma be honest here. For women, clear, pale skin looks the best.

Culturally appropriating Micheal Jackson's old techniques, SMH.

Meanwhile the smartest Thais I know are dark skinned college professors. The commercials show good looking people regardless of minor shin tone changes. I bet the people who buy this stuff are trying to make up for being fat or ugly.