
1  2020-01-17 by HardIsLife


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Jews did this


  1. Humph -,*

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Don't (((you))) usually shut it down when the goys know?

this user is ill informed (possibly retarded? 🤔🤕) - please see the new "HardIsLife Feet Pics Connoisseur" flair added hours ago

Sweaty, it doesn’t change the fact that you did forget beforehand. Quickly adding in doesn’t change that 👏🏻

yikes sweaty i offered a week ago

Only because I brought it up!! 🙄

I would never change my flair!! 😤🤘

We should all change our flairs to celebrate this joyous occasion

Can you also provide the original pic of her feet?


I brought this up to the jannies for you senpai, they’ve taken care of it already ☺️

I have changed my flair HIL! For you! What do you think? Do you think it suits me?
