The most vast janny conspiracy
1 2020-01-21 by ManBearFridge
The drama mods actually planted an agent to smoke out the only person autistic enough to crack the auto-jannie's code.
Now, every comment I made is auto-jannie'd. They didn't even have the decency to ban me.
The continuation of my work is up to you, now. Crack the auto-janny code, and the only way they can repress us is with more wage free labor.
Here are the results of my research before I was cut short:
Yikes! *L¡bertar¡an *Nun Guts *G-O-P *A-O-C *Clin Ton 'Hi Llary *Kil Lary *D3m0crat *REEEEEEpublican *The college that hosts elections * Im🍑 *Im🍑ment *👉 Wing *👈 Wing
Praxis! *Holocaust *Jew *Muslim *Islam *Communist *Praxis *Russia *Ukraine *Iran *Cage *Immigrant *Mexico *Mexican *Supremacist
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-21
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-01-21
Ball cleveage shorts should be a thing.
I feel like society is ready.
I can imagine all sorts of cool outfits that show off my ball cleveage, for the office, for the pool, weddings and any sort of occasion.
Wearing ball cleavage shorts will allow us men to use our assets to flirt with women who are in power in hopes of gaining some unfair advantage over those who are less endowed.
There would be "wonder shorts" which push the balls up front and accentuate the cleavage. Like diamonds on a pedestal.
There would be a little hole in the shorts to let the ball cleavage poke through
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1 MrBufkin 2020-01-21
Does Jannie get you even if you are approved?
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-21
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1 MrBufkin 2020-01-21
1 ManBearFridge 2020-01-21
I am approved 😡
No one is safe when they get too close to the truth
1 MrBufkin 2020-01-21
1 ManBearFridge 2020-01-21
First they came for the Chads.
You didn't speak up for the Chad, for you were not a Chad.
Then they came for the virgins, and there was no one to speak up for you.
1 MrBufkin 2020-01-21
Celibacy is a way of life and the jannies are assaulting it 😤
1 ManBearFridge 2020-01-21
I think I can comment again. Disregard local cucks, unapprovedcels, and refugees.
1 TheBleedingofMe 2020-01-21
Chapo is one.