One day I'll fly away...

1  2020-01-21 by AHS_Gay_Lord

I do have a question.

There is a specific subreddit which continues to foster, tolerate, and promote a culture of harassment of me in specific.

They tell me that I'm not pretty. I'm not cute. I'm not aesthetically pleasing to behold. It's hard to find clothes that fit me, and if I were so inclined, I could likely accomplish being cast in some arbitrary stage production as a Baba Yaga, without impacting the makeup and effects budget.

I am, in short, not transitioning for the purposes of self-esteem through beauty. I am transitioning because I was born a fucking white male and I want those delicious oppression points.

Defying Sanity was my anthem for 2019, and could very well be my anthem for 2020 and beyond. I continue to report instances of that harassment, and the ticket close messages I get back on those reports tell me that the incidents have been reviewed, and either that the situation has been resolved, or that action has been taken under the Content Policy.

I've also been approached by the "moderators" of this subreddit, off-site, and have been told by them that:

they have no intention of mitigating the harassment;
I must stop filing reports against the instances of harassment;
the actions that they took which I know resulted in Content Policy enforcement (temp / permanent suspensions) were not harassment;

and so forth and so on.

How can I ask that an admin intervene regarding a clear, ongoing, and defiant community-organised violation of the Content Policy Against Harassment?

Now I have embraced that I am an evil hag, how can I ask that the admins "have a deeper conversation" with this moderation team and make clear that the culture and behaviour they have promoted and encouraged, is unacceptable?

Because even if I'm flying solo -- at least I'm flying with a broomstick up my cunt.


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