Mayo tells foid on dating app that she looks kinda dumb. Level-headed foid responds by attempting to RUIN HIS FUCKING LIFE: messages his family, contacts his employer to try get him fired, plasters his picture all over the internet, posts his name, contacts his friends. 11/10 spicy drama

1  2020-01-21 by mage_gnome


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Lmao I want to be a fly on the wall when his dad slaps his son the back with vigorous pride for being only twenty something and already making a woman seethe at such a magnitude that most men take til marriage to accomplish.

Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people don’t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so that’s what /rj is for.


  1. Mayo tells foid on dating app that ... -,

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Good morning I hate women.

If I ever become part of the underlying global cabal, I'm going to dedicate funds to developing an effective straight conversion therapy program. If (((they))) aren't going to do it properly, we're going to have to do it ourselves.


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The internet is a good thing 🙃

Remind me again why we let women have rights?

Unironically this

Without womyn rights. They wouldn't be allowed to stand in the kitchen

The Muslims are right about women.

they have yet to demonstrate any value that constitutes equality

Social media for women and it's consequences for the human race have been disastrous

I tried to warn you.

I swear dude I still can't believe that Twitter. She fucking ruined his life for a snarky comment and the worst thing is nobody is calling her out for this.

It's time to nuke Twitter

I kept looking for what he did that was so bad, think surely it had to be more that just that.

Letting women learn how to read was a huge mistake.

What's worse is that her tweet has 250k, those people aren't even minority anymore..

For real. What other demographic but w*men and trannies have created and abused cancel culture?

Romans, ofc

so u have nazis and women under the same umbrella, nice

Holy shit please tell me this guy is alright

her pinned tweet

I took an uber alone at 2am and when I got out my uber driver was like “have fun, get that dick!” and I said “hell yes thank you!!” because I didn’t have the heart to tell her I was being dropped at my moms house cause we have to wake up early to celebrate my dogs birthday

ofc she's dogpilled

That's ancient pasta my dude, but it speaks volumes about her life.


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🐶 🍆 🤭

straight white woman with pronouns in her bio. jfl


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yuppie names i swear

I am laughing my ass of at shalanqutiqua and da'quan-te are making fun of this dude's name.

Poor guy got destroyed lmfao

Gotta be pretty retarded to do all of that. So hes probably right.


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so I work at a psych ward and one time I had to cut a first date short because I had to work early and this man texted me “I’m still not sure if you’re checking in or clocking in to the psych ward tomorrow but have fun!” am I really that chaotic

Ill show you im not crazy by stalking your details and messaging your family. WOULD A CRAZY BITCH DO THAT??

4chan would enjoy hearing about this girl, tbh.

Inb4 a bunch of commenters come in jere talking about "bussy" and "trussy"

bussy lmao

dude trussy lmao

Is this what is known as 'a red flag'?

@GeneralMills update: SEVEN brave women have now come to me to share their personal stories of Lake’s abuse

what constitutes as abuse to brave w*men might not be what men connote the word with. i bet he called one of em a broad and she still sees a psychiatrist over it

I guarentee this will be the norm in the coming years.

implying they don’t already exist

The 650k likes and idiotic comments are genuinely horrifying. He called her stupid. She accuses him of sexual harassment, racism, abusing multiple women with no evidence. She says he’s harassing many women and no one else has stepped forward. Her Twitter is mostly made up stories and foid shit. No one bats an eye as femcels and white knights swarm to defend her insane actions.

the heavy eyeliner's purpose is to camouflage her dumb eyes, i think, and it almost works