Reposting because I love my mom

1  2020-01-21 by TrappyIsBae


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Y'all can't behave.


  1. Reposting because I love my mom -,

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no, you didn't repost this. you c.r.o.s.s.p.o.s.t.e.d this.

so basically, your mom's dead


I love my mom so I'd better upvote this.

"Stan" your mom 🙏

I miss my mom. She was sniped by a Mujahideen during gorilla warfare.

Pretty cool your mom got to fight gorillas though.

My mom's been dead for over a decade so go fuck yourself.

I love your mom op