Ma'sha'Allah you are a shining example of how a gay Muslim should approach his life. You are so wise at such a young age and carry a huge burden. May Allah bless you and grant you good in this life and the next. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk, I've never had a gay friend before and I feel that it could benefit us both In'sha'Allah.
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-22
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-01-22
Ma'sha'Allah you are a shining example of how a gay Muslim should approach his life. You are so wise at such a young age and carry a huge burden. May Allah bless you and grant you good in this life and the next. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk, I've never had a gay friend before and I feel that it could benefit us both In'sha'Allah.
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1 BosnianArtilleryBatt 2020-01-22
she cute
1 ballrot 2020-01-22
Uhhh ok
1 UnalignedRando 2020-01-22
The syphillis and the neuroherpes are fighting for control of her brain.
1 ashleychudd 2020-01-22
She’s been like this for awhile.
1 nonobo21 2020-01-22
Theres one where shes just saying nigger and faggot for like 10 minutes lol. It was like a drama post
1 80s_bar_fly 2020-01-22
Tyrannical neuroreceptors'll do that.