Question for humorless liberal soy-boys and wine-aunts

1  2020-01-22 by GRIDS_Enthusiast

You know this country is not for you, right? You are aware that your personality and opinions derive from your weak, decrepit physical form and homosexual desires, yes? You know in your hearts that you are unnatural and wrong, don't you?

I'm just trying to see if folks of that sort actually believe that their degeneracy can prevail over what is healthy and good.


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click on his profile, this is likely the most inbred POC(person of carfentanil) to ever grace this sub. vikangz n shiet

How do you answer the survey questions?

are u gay?

Absolutely not. Nor am I any other form of degen, such as cuckold, furry, soy-boy or Star Wars fan.


checks profile

No he's a n-

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Question for humorless liberal soy-... -,

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You know this country is not for you, right?

Show, don’t tell.

it reeks of seething faggot when you put the cart ahead of the hrose.

an overwhelming number of holocaust movies feature men in drag as a form of entertainment. this is actually their traditional masculine culture bigot

Please don’t google USS Liberty crossdressing nazis

Somewhere along the line this became universal for nazis.
