it's over for manlets in r/cumtown

1  2020-01-22 by SaltOverPlow


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Not racist, but isn't it possible that this is exactly what the filthy grasping Jews want us to think?


  1. it's over for manlets in r/cumtown -,

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Non-approvedchads BTFO for not being able to witness this slapfight

Imagine not being able to land Cumtown approved status. You just call Chapo gay.

You mean you didn't have to suck Stav's lil peccarino until he blasted ropes down your throat? Uh, me neither.

Haha of course not loser that would be gay as hell haha wow Adam is a bug so glad we aren't on his level.

hell yeah dude

The door is only 3'10"

tallest hobbit in the shire

Everyone on here is complaining that the match making on this game provides a safe space and that it's for soft millennials who can't handle competition, right? So then why do I see so many of you posting pictures of your new gold camos, aka the ultimate participation trophy? Maybe if you spent less time on this game you could get some real gold, as jewellery, and give it to your wife or girlfriend (if you even have one, that is). It's honestly sad how many of you children want patting on the back for making your gun a different color. Why don't you print off a picture of it and have your mommy put it up on the fridge? I thought this game is for adults

I knew only a Chad could poach an egg so perfect


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Fuck drama, send egg link

Do you accept tributes?

Fuck, that is beautiful.

Look at that subtle white coloring, the tasteful thickness of the egg white

Oh my god, it even has seasoning

That doors fucked up. It's too wide and not very tall

This is the type of content Reddit could use more of lmfao

Imagine ducking lol