Your suicide attempt is super heckin valid

1  2020-01-24 by ok-so-now-what


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"Alexa, schedule an extra dose of soy tomorrow. I'm feeling toxic." 🤒🤒🤒


  1. Your suicide attempt is super hecki... -,

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u/rsrfy best one yet


Lol. link?

Sorry no success AHS

I’m not getting suspended again

Just search suicide and go on top posts of all time

You'd probably have to go through a lot of posts though.

what does the yellow mean, shower fans? 🚿

Everything yellows after enough people hang themselves with it.

If I was trans, I would have just straight up not posted this. Come on now.

Why not? UWU

Too on the nose. You don’t want to risk the Chuds “one joke”-ing you.

But are you fucking?


Because you would be dead?

Like clockwork

Do you think this is them getting closer to self awareness?

No, even further

Do they really not see the problem here...?


Can't wait to see the verticle stripe edition next week.

That's pretty based

The only reason to post this is for attention... 🤔🤔🤔

Keanu reeves good big chungus wholesome 100 ifunny bad Instagram bad reddit 100 rwoooosh with four o’s found the mobile user I have reddit I have reddit I have reddit cringe boomer shrek is Jesus religion bad opinion bad no opinion lol fucking tiktok Keanu reeves good big chungus wholesome 100 ifunny bad Instagram bad reddit 100 rwoooosh with four o’s found the mobile user I have reddit I have reddit I have reddit cringe boomer shrek is Jesus religion bad opinion bad no opinion lol fucking tiktok Keanu reeves good big chungus wholesome 100 ifunny bad Instagram bad reddit 100 rwoooosh with four o’s found the mobile user I have reddit I have reddit I have reddit cringe boomer shrek is Jesus religion bad opinion bad no opinion lol fucking tiktok Keanu reeves good big chungus wholesome 100 ifunny bad Instagram bad reddit 100 rwoooosh with four o’s found the mobile user I have reddit I have reddit I have reddit cringe boomer shrek is Jesus religion bad opinion bad no opinion lol fucking tiktok


u/rsrfy just put link all of this pasta to DuexCHAT and have the automod spam it


do what? lol

Make it automod pasta please. Get your shit together jannie or no paycheck.

Hey Truscum if trans suicides aren't real then why are they so heckin' cute and valid?

despite making up 41% of the wall paintings


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And they do it for freeeeeeeee