Self-appointed hooker expert argues with actual hookers; blows his cool as much as he blows money on sex

1  2020-01-25 by acidoverbasic


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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There’s a world of drama in that comic alone

OO really opened the floodgates on himself lmao



  1. Self-appointed hooker expert argues... -,

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It's why I go gay

I can pay your gay away

Wtf does that even mean?

Good find. His comics are terrible. He's like a wannabe wokie who doesn't quite fit in. He will probably be transitioning any day now.

Gender essentialist nonsense πŸ™„

Men aren't inherently sex addicts. Any notions along the lines that they are are pure social construction.

Testosterone isn't real bigot πŸ™„ πŸ’