Tranny doesn't understand rocket mans fans

1  2020-01-25 by anuddahuna


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Tranny doesn't understand rocket ma... -,

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Lol imagine being a communist gamer tranny

Gaming is a patrician hobby enabled solely by the blood of Asian metal farmers. Commie gamers are based centrists

Making posts about how you hate the one person moving us towards a post-scarcity society

Nah he'll just make Mars a libertarian nightmare.

Libertarianism on mars would go about as well as the initial free-for-all colonies did in the new world. Jonestown’s ‘the starving time’ resulting from everyone looking for gold and no one growing any food.

If you look back far enough originally he was posting about male depression and men's rights then in the space of 3 months trannies himself lol


Good, perhaps this is how global warming will be solved, converting the masses to mass graves.

The only true Rocket Man is Lord Elton. smdh.