The r/Drama Refugee vs. The DeuxRAMA Chad

1  2020-01-26 by SchnupfStaffel


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Pretty cool.

I read your previous comment before you deleted it 😘

Dont make me more embrassed I fucking hate when I misunterstand something, I wish you didn't see it, I deleted it in 2 minutes :(((((( Please forgive me.

The Prophet PBUH is merciful and so shall I be, brother


I'm retarded didn't read the title only the meme, and misunderstood it. Had to delete it sorry.

Deuxrama unironically has better lolcows


Can dramafugees post here?

I think the only real response is to lock everything down. Make it so only approved deuxcels can post, that way the windowlickers can keep staring in but they’ll never get this juicy bu$$y

If you don’t accept refugees you are racist sweety.

It would be better and less problematic if we had to send in skin tone photos.

I think it's a tough choice. The Wall™ solution means there will be a lot of drama but we won't be able to see it, unless we lock the refugees into some kind of concentration camp for the cucked, aka Cuckerama. Tolerating the rapeefugees would give us some immediate returns in premium lolcows but less drama overall. Tough choice! What would Daddy do?

See now this the blue sky thinking we need more of.

We should lock them all in a single thread where unapprovedcels can post, that way we have successfully contained concentrated autism. If we can properly guide and control the beast, nothing will be able to stop us.

arrDrama will fall and the deux reich will rise again.

Inshallah brother! ☝🏾 Well said!

unironically this


Lips don't get muscular the fucking jaw does retard

You've not been doing it right then - otherwise you had developed a strong jaw and buffed lips

Truly, our very own ben garrison: an artist that tells it how it is.

Fellow mayos, Real quick, what are political leanings of this sub? I genuinely can't tell but I think I'd fit in.

I know a few people here from other politically incorrect leftwing subs, but apart from that I have no clue.

But I can pronounce deux, am neither burger nor britbong, and am a refugee

Lol whoever worships casanova or HIL isnt better than the average lawlz worshipper

Im out of the loop on this, what happened to r/drama?

Trannie jannie shut down

As a joke or is it serious

Oh I have no clue hun.

Is there a difference?

Everyone here is a /r/Drama subscriber


Stop the bullying


My incredible centrism was too intimidating for the drama jannies so i was deported.



Imagine not just lurking all drama dubs in a multireddit lmao

you forgot to drink ur milk deuxrama

I was banned from r/Drama for participating in r/CringeAnarchy, time to return the favor.