Edgy comedian spits on Kobe's grave, niggas losin it

1  2020-01-26 by dramasexual


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  1. Someone people likes dies.
  2. Professional edgelords say something negative about them.
  3. Everyone gives them lots of attention.


Where's the lie?

never forget Ari badmouthed then assaulted a 5’3” korean podcaster under suspicion that his girlfriend wanted a side of rice

Never forget that in 2010, Ari Shaffir raped and killed a 16 year-old girl then dumped her body in the Santa Monica Bay.

Never forget that in 2017, Masterlawlz was arrested in a Denny's bathroom for masturbating to Ben 10 episodes

No he didn't! 😡


LiTeRaLy WhO?


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Part of Joe Rogan's entourage

ur mum vagina

Lol a kobe stan is gonna jump this jew then krav maga his penis off at The Comedy Store. Mark my words. Do not underestimate kobe stans, they are like beyonce fans but men, less fat, and travel in barstool packs.

He doesn't seem to be joking

yeah this is some unironic grave-pissing

Where's the lie