We only match because she wants the women who dance with me to know who’s The Boss.

1  2020-01-28 by CasanovaNova



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  1. We only match because she wants the... - archive.org, archive.today

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Holy fuck I just realised: CasaNova Nova === CNN

Why do you hate Bernie?

I love Bernie and he will be who I vote AGAIN for.

you sound like you only Bernie when you’re around the cool autists

Actually, Bernie is the coolest homie in Washington right now. Imagine I only see color when I see racism and I use color as a weapon to remind those in power that while they might have won at enslaving us, we still have Natural 🤜🏿

kinda cucked, you should just fuck more wh*te wom*en instead

Isn't cucking for white guys because they enjoy watching their wives trying BBC?

why are you still here

Because I’m better than you.

come on too far

Not far enough.

Better is a state of mind, if you said you are better than me, then I guess we both are better than each other.

I just think it’s sad that we have to turn to this level of shitposting to relieve stress and meanwhile some guy in the world right now is blowing so much money on drugs and would never lend a hand to the poor, but rather to whoever he can pay for a night.


not reading that

Pourquoi est-ce que tu exposes ta négritude à la vue de tous ainsi ? Personne ne voir un petit négrillion se la jouer thug life devant une danseuse cheap.

Sorry, I don’t speak surrender.

Pas étonnant qu'un débile dans ton genre ne sache pas parler autre chose que l'anglais.

Thank you for still being here, I’m glad the disgusting dramafugees didn’t scare you off.🤗🤗