Nate Silver is predicting the Primaries will basically be Uncle Sniffles vs The Colonel. And Sanders will do better in the earlier polls (assuming he lives that long). Is this a good thing?

1  2020-01-28 by thowaway_throwaway


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Nate Silver is predicting the Prima... -,*

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It's good if you support Trump, bad if you don't.

I unironically think Bernie is a good match against Trump. A lot of the obvious criticisms of him (he's crazy, he's a fake working man with a silver spoon up his ass, he's all talk but can't handle any real detail, he's not even a real member of his party) can be thrown right back at Trump.

Bernie, and then Trump, in that order, are the politicians most feared by international tech companies, and for completely different reasons. I would be stoked if those were the two options.

Normally I would think tech cos would hedge their bets and switch to supporting Trump instantaneously, but their hordes of blue-hair autistic employees would probably all either quit or an hero, so they are in a bit of a bind.

All around good for lulz.

Bernie, and then Trump, in that order, are the politicians most feared by international tech companies, and for completely different reasons.

Tech is not a single industry anymore. Uber is a service / transport company (kinda but their lawyers hide them from liabilities). Apple is consumer goods. Netflix is entertainment. Facebook is a janitorial service. Only Google and Amazon are proper tech.

I should have said consumer big data, specifically Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter etc. Even credit card cos and banks.

Data is power these days.

It's like opium before the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1920.

Honestly im considering voting Bernie in the primary. Anything to fuck Silicon Valley

I am 100%

But in the election I’m gonna do something I’ve never done before, vote straight ticket republican. VA has scared me straight tbh

The Democrats in VA should be a wake up call for people that don't want to live with laws like that. But they are getting what they voted for.

Exactly, But just like republicans do, that state is gerrymandered to shit

Yeah, I'm in NoVa. I have no choice. Not feelin' prison.

Oh I feel that, I’m in Kentucky and don’t feel much choice tbh

but their hordes of blue-hair autistic employees

you realize these “people” have literally no say outside of twitter right? their bosses all stumped for trump, as did all the media execs

Trump owns and, basically, you are gay

what does that have to do with my post retard? I never said he didn’t own.





First off, dilate. Secondly daddy does limit their ability to virtue signal and show how woke they are.

they have 0 power outside of your diseased mind lol


Trump wouldn’t even run against Sanders himself, he would likely run against socialism. If I were a republican strategist, this is what I would do.

The fact that msm won’t give him any attention leads me to believe that Biden will get the nomination

If even the Britbongs wouldn’t vote for Corbyn, there is no way in hell Americans are voting for Sanders especially in a system where voting doesn’t even fucking matter.


this is all retarded navel-gazing. the media puts #Resisters on tv while fully backing trump, the establishment candidate.